Mothers’ Union is a Christian group set up to support family life. Individual branches or dioceses undertake specific outreach projects from time to time. Regular meetings are undertaken to provide members with opportunities for prayer and friendship.
Some of the things we do at a local level:
Our biggest and longest running project is our knitting project where members of branches knit blankets & garments for the maternity and children’s hospItals, as well as hats and scarves for the Mission for Seafarers and the Simon Community.
Away from it all (AFIA).
The “Away from it All” (AFIA) project commenced in Dublin & Glendalough Diocese in 2012. The Mothers’ Union ‘AFIA’ scheme has been operating very successfully for many years in dioceses throughout the UK and Ireland and we are delighted to follow this well established way of reaching out to families in our own diocese.
Aim of Project: Is to assist people in the diocese who are already in contact with the wider family of the Church of Ireland and who are in distressing circumstances or in a difficult personal situation and who would otherwise find it financially hard to fund a short break.
How does the Fund Work: At the beginning of each year a letter is sent to clergy together with a fact sheet on what the AFIA project will consider funding and how to apply. This fund works through the clergy who are on the ground and who are aware of people’s circumstances.
In times of financial or health difficulties a break can provide some much needed precious time together. If you know of someone in your parish who is in distressing circumstances or in need of a break due to difficult personal problems and who would find it hard to fund a short break, please speak to your rector and ask him to consider applying to the fund on their behalf in 2014.
Shoe Boxes for Creche
Also annually, branches put together shoeboxes for a crèche and other local causes.
Parenting Support
Parenting “Workshops” and Courses are run around the Dioceses as the need arises.
Further in formation about Mothers’ Union can be found at http://www.dublin.mothersunion.ie/
For information about Mothers’ Union in Wicklow and Killiskey, please contact Rev. Jack Kinkead on 086-1727654 or email him here.