Sunday Club
Sunday Club takes place on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. All primary school age children are encouraged to come to Sunday Club. The emphasis of Sunday Club is to allow children to learn important lessons about faith, in a fun and interactive environment.
Toddler Group
The Toddler Group meets on Wednesdays during school term in the Methodist Church Hall, from 10am to 12 noon. The cost is €4 per family. Toys / drinks / snacks are all provided. All parents / grandparents / child-minders receive a warm welcome!
Lectio Divinia
The Lectio Divinia at the Dominican Convent, meets on Wednesdays from 10.45am to 12 noon, and the Knit and Stitch, also at the Convent, meets on the same day, 2-4pm. The Lectio moves to Wednesday evenings for the weeks of Advent and Lent.