Nun’s Cross Church, Killiskey will be the venue for our Holy Week journey this year,
with services each evening in Holy Week. There will also be a service in Wicklow
Church on Good Friday.
Sunday 2 April, Holy Communion service at 8.30am, Wicklow. Palm Sunday: 9.30am,
Wicklow Church, Dramatised reading of Matthew’s Passion.
11.15am, Nun’s Cross Church, Palm Sunday procession and service.
Monday 3 April. 7.30pm. Service of Compline
Tuesday 4 April. 7.30pm. Service of Compline
Wednesday 5 April. 7.30pm. Tenebrae service of gradually extinguishing light.
Thursday 6 April. 7.30pm. Maundy Thursday Eucharist.
Friday 7 April. 10am, Wicklow Church, Good Friday service & reflection
2pm, Nun’s Cross Church, Prayers around the cross.
7pm Walk of Witness. Beginning in Wicklow Methodist Church, walking to Wicklow
Church of Ireland, and then to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.
Saturday 8 April. 9pm. Easter Vigil Service of Light.
Sunday 9 April. Easter Day! 8.30am Holy Communion, Wicklow Church
9.30am Family Communion, Wicklow Church
11.15am Family Communion, Nun’s Cross Church.

Holy Week & Easter
This powerful but simple progression around Wicklow town sends a message to the
wider community: that Christians here take seriously the events that lead to the death
of Jesus on the cross. We meet in Wicklow Methodist Church at 7pm, where we sing a
hymn, and listen to the first part of the Passion Narrative. We then walk to Wicklow
Church of Ireland, carrying a large cross (taking turns to help carry, if you like), where
we sing another hymn & hear the second part of the Passion Narrative. We then walk
to St Patrick’s Catholic Church, for a service of prayers and music centred on the story
of Good Friday. Please do make this event a priority in your Holy Week journey.